Elijah Murray
  • Google Drive for small things / personal use
  • We Transfer for big things (no sign in needed, 2GB file size, free)

Love this question! I did some blackhat stuff with cookie stuffing and Amazon Affiliate links 🎩👀. I felt guilty and quickly moved to niche WP sites that ranked for obscure keywords and had tons of ads on them.

Thanks @lenilsonjr! The problem with this is I have to scroll through the list and can only see 3 at a time. Any way to easily see my full list?

Not via Telegram. You can check it from the Website.

A good starting place is just throwing up a donate or patreon button! Never hurts. Could adapt it to be a paid extension that allows all people working on a project to easily know which colors they can work with; might be useful as a paid chrome extension for frontend developers who don't have direct access to the designers.