Nik Spyratos
Nik Spyratos
Greek-South African Laravel (TALL) dev, organiser of Laravel Cape Town, solo maker.
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Get ConvertKit custom domain working so #niksoftware newsletter doesn't go to spam
Launched new Laravel Cape Town meetup:
Launch new #niksoftware freelancing sales page:
hit a brick on the road and destroy my left tires
First day freelancing - resuming work from December on client
Finish last day at agency, starting freelance tomorrow #niksoftware
Consolidate all my sites & branding to the #niksoftware site
Bought Laradir sponsorship for #niksoftware - let's see if it drives any leads
Meeting with my regular moonlighting client for potential retainer
soft-launch/beta of #niksoftware site v2:
Confirmed resignation - heading back out into freelance until I find a job
Put my foot down against clients who don't know what they want
Starting work on a new project idea - focusing on projects I can build in a week
Catch up on some dayjob MVP stuff before my holiday ends
Consolidating #niksoftware offerings and new test site:
Refining #niksoftware website - starting to look more professional
Re-simplifying #toyboxforlaravel to the original vision: small scope, one stack target