John Leonard

John Leonard


I turn boring (procurement legislation) into actionable via bite sized chunks. Slowly learning coding to build the side projects that interest me.
Joined December 2023
Rahul Tyagi
Nate Ritter
I wanted to be the youngest US Open tennis player. Hit .500 in Little League, then quit because I struck out 50%. Still working on how to feel like I'm winning.
James Chetwood
Working on - the Browser Extension for managing colors in CSS Variables.
Adrian Latorre
Currently Senior Frontend Engineer @Adyen but also building @plannerie, an enhanced platform for teachers through some AI. Plenty of side projects.
Carl Poppa
🌢 227
Ran restaurants for 13yrs. Sold them. Now learning to code, stay fit, and build useful things :)
Isaac Felizardo
OlÑ! I'm Isaac 😁 While in engineering university, I started a SaaS company with my 3 college friends in the sports (football) space. Keen to connect!
Lis D
Working on creative projects Apparently a faux music manager now
Anna Shestopalova
Founder of GC ✦ Indie Game Developer I'm passionate about creating game-changing products, crafting user-centric product design, and developing indie games πŸ‘Ύ
Chandler Roth
Making apps. Every day is a new opportunity! :)
Pedro Lopez
builder building things. interested in fintech, automation, reverse engineering, data and AI
Steven Irby
🌢 232
I've been a nomad working remotely since 2015. I'm trying to make email better with, a tool that fixes your inbox.
Siavosh Zarrasvand
I build teams that program computers, with a focus on distributed event-driven applications.
Ostap πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Brehin
19 y.o maker from Ukraine
Paul Hunkin
Techie, originally from NZ, now in Lisbon. hacking on and some other stuff