James Brooks
Weird - thanks for checking it out.
So I guess I need to drop an email to people giving them access to this link, huh?
Yep, I think so
Yesterday I received a Lemon Squeeze mail "Your free trial ends soon" but ironically I didn't see any way to cancel the subscription through this mail's link 😅
I did it through your original link (journorobo.lemonsqueezy.com/b…)
Interesting. So 3x yearly revenue?
...and how long a period does that revenue need to have been seen to be coming in for?
Can you try this one? journorobo.lemonsqueezy.com/b…
Sorry this is my first time properly using Lemon Squeezy!
Yep! that's the correct link! I wonder why is not included in the welcome email that's weird.
I attached screenshots of the email received and the backend from journorobo.lemonsqueezy.com/b…
In the backend you can see also the first try that got frozen :D
Weird - thanks for checking it out.
So I guess I need to drop an email to people giving them access to this link, huh?
Yep, I think so
Yesterday I received a Lemon Squeeze mail "Your free trial ends soon" but ironically I didn't see any way to cancel the subscription through this mail's link 😅
I did it through your original link (journorobo.lemonsqueezy.com/b…)
Cheers for this dude. I am currently very much MVP so using tally for this form to keep things lean - but I will defo refine this process as and when appropriate - thank you!
Please do use the trial and let me know how you get on. You should start getting journo requests through from today :)
I understand, but I think that no having a link to manage the subscription is a problem, it definitely would be if I was a customer.
I thought lemonsqueeze had that? I tried journorobo.lemonsqueezy.com/ but no luck either.
Can you try this one? journorobo.lemonsqueezy.com/b…
Sorry this is my first time properly using Lemon Squeezy!
Yep! that's the correct link! I wonder why is not included in the welcome email that's weird.
I attached screenshots of the email received and the backend from journorobo.lemonsqueezy.com/b…
In the backend you can see also the first try that got frozen :D
Weird - thanks for checking it out.
So I guess I need to drop an email to people giving them access to this link, huh?
Yep, I think so
Yesterday I received a Lemon Squeeze mail "Your free trial ends soon" but ironically I didn't see any way to cancel the subscription through this mail's link 😅
I did it through your original link (journorobo.lemonsqueezy.com/b…)
Totally fair. Any suggestions for how?
Make this section vertical instead of horizontal.
I would love you to go through the flow and feedback 🙌
edit - made the landing page live at journorobo.com/
Would still LOVE any feedback though.
At last! got a good connection and time! X)
Disclaimer: this is only my point of view and I perfectly maybe wrong ;)
Besides of the screenshots, after finishing answering the questions I'm completely lost, I don't know if I can login anywhere or how can I cancel the trial or see the subscription info.
(last screenshot is the first one, I edited the post)
Cheers for this dude. I am currently very much MVP so using tally for this form to keep things lean - but I will defo refine this process as and when appropriate - thank you!
Please do use the trial and let me know how you get on. You should start getting journo requests through from today :)
I understand, but I think that no having a link to manage the subscription is a problem, it definitely would be if I was a customer.
I thought lemonsqueeze had that? I tried journorobo.lemonsqueezy.com/ but no luck either.
Can you try this one? journorobo.lemonsqueezy.com/b…
Sorry this is my first time properly using Lemon Squeezy!
Yep! that's the correct link! I wonder why is not included in the welcome email that's weird.
I attached screenshots of the email received and the backend from journorobo.lemonsqueezy.com/b…
In the backend you can see also the first try that got frozen :D
Weird - thanks for checking it out.
So I guess I need to drop an email to people giving them access to this link, huh?
Yep, I think so
Yesterday I received a Lemon Squeeze mail "Your free trial ends soon" but ironically I didn't see any way to cancel the subscription through this mail's link 😅
I did it through your original link (journorobo.lemonsqueezy.com/b…)
Nothing came through I'm afraid, so can you please try the process again?
Hey James, I'm sorry yesterday was traveling day for me! Do you stilll need a test?
I would love you to go through the flow and feedback 🙌
Thanks @remotemontes - feel free to sign up for the free trial ;)
The links work and it would help me to have someone to test it!
It seems we did a proper test here! because in the middle of the transaction my airbnb internet decided to go on holiday, now I approved the transaction in my phone but the website confirmation got frozenm I don't know if you see something on your side xD
Oh and please allow me to start the trial again when I have a finished project to use it! 🫣
Nothing came through I'm afraid, so can you please try the process again?
Hey James, I'm sorry yesterday was traveling day for me! Do you stilll need a test?
I would love you to go through the flow and feedback 🙌
Based in the UK 🇬🇧