Daniel Meade
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#givewithella Show feedback after perception score has been submitted
#givewithella Update perception scores in real time
After 10 years out, get back into music production and create a simple track with a narrative using samples
#givewithella Improve UX of providing perception scores
#givewithella Calculate a charities trust score by averaging 4 other data points
#givewithella Run first test of perception score submission to pick up on UX issues
#givewithella Fix fatal JS error preventing financial data display if specific data points do not exist
#givewithella Fixed issue where Financial History graph would not return if annual breakdown could not be fetched
#givewithella Add link to journal within header
#givewithella Continued design and dev on new charities profile
Enjoy a catch up and curry with the family #life
#givewithella Design and develop blog post page
#givewithella Removed font awesome and replaced the single icon making use of it with an SVG
Learn about "The Trolley Problem" - a thought experiment in ethics
#givewithella Add first entry to Elijah's Maker Stories…
#givewithella Email three for-purpose businesses that give back about advertising slots
#givewithella Remove disabled teaser buttons to unreleased features to avoid confusion
#givewithella Continued work on new charity profile design