Daniel Meade
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#givewithella Rethink charity perception scores UI for better UX
#hidewipstreaks Fix extension download error
Publish #hidewipstreaks to the Chrome App store
Hide Patron and Streak badges from task feed items #hidewipstreaks
Center main feed of tasks to avoid large left column gap #hidewipstreaks
On document_start look for .sidebar only on the WIP homepage and set to display: none; #hidewipstreaks
Look into database migration from custom setup to Wordpress for client
#givewithella research next batch or charities
#givewithella Compile list of charity fouced organisations to contact for sponsorship
Slight UI updates to a clients Shopify theme
#givewithella Fix problem with email MX records
#givewithella Work on new profile design for addition of new features
#givewithella Experiment ways to make charity profiles more visually captivating and personal to a charities brand
Take partner to the airport for her travels (without me 😢 )