Arthur Hur
Arthur Hur
Animator/filmmaker by day, developer on the side. Mostly here to keep track of my side projects:
* Trade Hur
* Perfect Thumbnail
* Trade Hur
* Perfect Thumbnail
Make some more tweaks to strategy 2 to forward-test next week, but know in my heart of hearts that it is most likely a doomed strategy that is not serving its function to act as a proper hedge to strategy 1 and be an independent, profitable algorithm in its own right. Feel that strategy 1, while not perfect, works better on its own – even though it can take some major hits, it seems to work consistently over time. #tradehur
Lots of little #life things: take extended daytime nap because I'm feeling worn down, vacuum the apartment, put away cat food cans, go for a walk, shop for a hat, realize it's tough to find one, order one online instead, research and order presents for three different kids
Try out Gemini 2.0 Flash to concept an app idea