Joda Stößer
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Make a plan to attend and after all #jodaworks #codersfail
Reevaluate and Mantle for building Shopify apps and brainstorm new approaches #codersfail
Go through the second Shopify project with new client and make a timeline #jodaworks
Jump into Sieve mail filtering again with tools, syntax, and capabilities to solve a one-account multi-tenant money-saving scheme for a client #jodaworks
Helped the cousin to run Battlefront II by installing runtime distributables
Get to know the client and team at a kick-off call for the next project #jodaworks
Fail at using wi-fi calling on OnePlus 6T, time for a new phone and/or LineageOS
Write 5 more invoices for hosting services #jodaworks
Get to know the main contact person for the next freelance project and discuss strategy #jodaworks
Research Reverse-Charge VAT rules to make sure issued invoices are correct #jodaworks
Learn about PaySafeCard as a payment method for future projects #jodaworks
Fix an infinite redirect loop cause by the migration of page rules #codersfail
Write blog post about Cloudflares deprecation of Page Rules #jodaworks…
Migrate Cloudflare deprecated page rules to the new type of rules, loosing wildcard funcationality #codersfail #jodaworks
Convinced client with project preparations enough for them to give me a second project, before the first even started #jodaworks
Have a very positiv getting to know each other with a client for future projects #jodaworks
Go through brief of a wooCommerce to Shopify migration freelance project and plan the kick-off call #jodaworks
Discussed Shopify app project concept updates with the client and @robreckham internally #codersfail
Created enough invoices to reach the bookkeeping tools free limits #jodaworks