Similar todos
#filepond image resize plugin
#pintura integrate transform plugin so images can be automatically resized / cropped on the client
build #filepond image resize plugin
#filepond fix image transform plugin not processing images when file encode or server property is missing
#filepond fix issue with image transform plugin not being able to deal with tiff images
#filepond fix image crop plugin
#filepond integrate image editor with image preview plugin
#filepond image preview plugin only update when crop information changes
#filepond image size validation plugin
#pintura research how to copy JPEG imageHead to canvas output
#filepond image editor canvas output
#filepond add image edit plugin API
#filepond image editor fix incorrect image transform when image is flipped
#filepond image preview plugin improve matching up of aspect ratios for preview update
#filepond improve file encode plugin so it automatically applies new image crop coordinates
#filepond image exif orientation plugin
#filepond fix image-preview plugin image orientation bug
#pintura [next] move image transforms to image store