Similar todos
changed font awesome icon size and buddypannel font size #artistsatscale
adjusted buddypannel styling #artistsatscale
adjusted /settings legends/sub label/tab font size #artistsatscale
adjusted /tools styling #artistsatscale
added anchor links to /settings tabs #artistsatscale
fixed /tools styling #artistsatscale
adjusted /advisor /settings styling #artistsatscale
added go to links on /dashboard #artistsatscale
fixed /support styling #artistsatscale
figure out css for sidebar button highlighting/font etc #artistsatscale
fixed /settings css #artistsatscale
set up site wide border radius on buttons #artistsatscale
changed /support links from same window to new window #artistsatscale
fixed titlebar refresh spacing #artistsatscale
adjusted /home styling #artistsatscale
styled /advisor form spacing/labels #artistsatscale
disabled direct links on /tools #artistsatscale
fix /advisor /settings tab borders #artistsatscale
added 4 /resources and restyled names #artistsatscale
adjusted /settings #artistsatscale