Similar todos
Made hover state for buttons #olisto
Edited some images for social media #olisto
Made mockups for demo #olisto
Made social update #olisto
Made social update #olisto
Add Buttons #styled
Made a bunch of images for the site #olisto
Changed hover state of button and actualy know what I am doping after trieing out a lot of stuff #olisto
Finished a bunch of social media updates with some cool illustrations #olisto
Made social media update #olisto
Made mockups for presentation #olisto ✂️
Made illustration for blogpost #olisto
Made illustration for blog #olisto
Made new illustrations for frontpage #olisto
Spiced up illustrations #olisto
Made new mockup of a phone #olisto
revised button styles #support
Changed header image on site #olisto
#contracting Makes buttons look more button-y
Made mockups for campaign #olisto