Similar todos
bb web: customer details modal
bb web bug: customer details modal -> edit
bb web: add full month view
bb web: search customer name/code in msgs
bb web: click date in month overview->go to date in calendar
bb app edit booking: add small info button next to customer selection to show current customer details
bb app: fix bug when changing date+customer at the same time
bb web: send msg button for each customer
bb web: booking history
bb web: add datepicker to schedule
finish customer detail page #tinyfeedback
finish frontpage of customer report
bb app: customer re-selects previously selected date, does not show in calendar
bb web: show number of unread msgs in every view
bb fix: select demo customer in booking
Close issue 137 for customer project #enpvqp — showing vendor accepted date on web form
update customer #fajarsiddiq
bb web: fix small i18n bug in month overview
send customer report #plantmyforest