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finished and sent lesson 10 of my story creation masterclass (another landing page analysis), only two lessons left until the end #freewritecamp
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finished the analysis and live-polishing of also the the 3rd landing page of a student at the #freewritecamp storytelling masterclass - feel like celebrating but that would be too early because I still need to send the emails (tomorrow)
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worked on lesson 10 (another landing page analysis) #freewritecamp
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finished and sent lesson 2/12 of my masterclass on the elements of a landing page - the essential and optional ones #freewritecamp
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though I didn't finish writing lesson 11 of the #freewritecamp today I analyzed another landing page of a student and optimized its copy and html/css code
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finished writing and editng all three landing page analyses incl. an in-depth code and copy amendments. Final review before delivery is still due (after breakfast) #freewritecamp
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wrote and sent the lesson 2.8 of my story creation and story marketing masterclass - was a lot of work analyzing a new landing page but it provides good insights as well #freewritecamp
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wrote analysis no. 1 (out of 3) for the landing page of my student at the #freewritecamp masterclass
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finished the lesson 3 on the types and techniques of landing pages for your story marketing - took 7.5 hours (what a beast) - and prepared everything so the email can be sent on Saturday. Feels good to be done earlier than usual :) #freewritecamp
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write next landing page analysis #naii (editing still due)
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finished, finished, finished. Triple finish because I just sent out 3 emails containing 3 landing page analyses with 9k words and 44 minutes to read all words. Last lesson for this year's #freewritecamp story creation masterclass is due this weekend. I'm sad and happy at the same time. Puh. Preparing to take the last hurdle.
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Finished another landing page analysis (LPA). Feedback still due. Time to write it was 12 hours this time (over the course of two days). #naii
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work further on the next lesson: outlined all crucial and some optional elements of a landing page and made some first notes on each (more like brain-storming and from the material I had collected); also, for a future lesson, I broke down the structure of an exisiting landing page that's still live and working. #freewritecamp
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finished next landing page analysis #naii
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sent email of next lesson 2.3 „Types and techniques of a landing page“ #freewritecamp
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write next landing page analysis (tomorrow I'll write the conclusion and send it to the person who requested it) #copywritingdelivery
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day 3 of working on a landing page analysis #naii
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finished writing the meat of the current landing page analysis - conclusion and review still due #naii
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wrote the next lesson 2.7 of the #freewritecamp masterclass, this time analyzing a product landing page of Simple Programmer
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finished a 6-hour writing marathon and send the 1st lesson out of 12 about story marketing (inbound marketing) *puh* #freewritecamp
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