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added 150 hashtags to hashtag bank #artistsatscale
started topic/idea bank #artistsatscale
continued following industry accounts #artistsatscale
continued following industry accounts #artistsatscale
continued following industry accounts #artistsatscale
began following industry accounts #artistsatscale
created content format bank #artistsatscale
created facebook group #artistsatscale
created instagram account #artistsatscale
added 15 quotes to quote bank #artistsatscale
added 15 quotes to quote bank #artistsatscale
added 20 quotes to quote bank #artistsatscale
created /social page #artistsatscale
added 50 items to quote bank #artistsatscale
added 1 item to short form content bank #artistsatscale
created facebook page #artistsatscale
setup brandmentions #artistsatscale
verified stripe account #artistsatscale
created indie fb account #artistsatscale
restyled /community #artistsatscale