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show chosen favicon to status' card #hyperping
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select a logo to show in the status page #hyperping
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display the logo in the status page #hyperping
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redirect to the status page settings after creation #hyperping
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do the same for status pages #hyperping
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get favicon script #hyperping
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use user's icon in the public statuc spage #hyperping cc @lukaszmtw @lenilsonjr
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setup the first public status page with the help of @lukaszmtw #hyperping
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add the status page feature to the home page #hyperping
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init the public status page ✨ #hyperping
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init the status page dashboard #hyperping
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init user settings page #hyperping
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status page feature page #hyperping…
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add public status page using Hyperping #chamados
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Do all the fetching/authorizations thing for private/public status pages and populate the layout #hyperping
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create a status page from the dashboard #hyperping
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customise graphs for public status pages #hyperping
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make the user add a monitor first before creating a status page #hyperping
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dribbble the v2… #hyperping
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fix custom color #hyperping status page
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