Similar todos
added 20 communities to /communities #artistsatscale
added 15 books to crm #artistsatscale
added 10 books to crm #artistsatscale
added 10 books to crm #artistsatscale
added 10 books to crm #artistsatscale
added 10 books to crm #artistsatscale
added 10 books to crm #artistsatscale
added 10 books to crm #artistsatscale
added 5 books to crm #artistsatscale
added 5 books to crm #artistsatscale
added 10 BD contacts to crm #artistsatscale
added 10 BD contacts to crm #artistsatscale
added 30 BD contacts to crm #artistsatscale
added 5 BD contacts to crm #artistatscale
added 50 BD contacts to crm #artistsatscale
add musicindustryhowto authors to crm #artistsatscale
added 15 podcasts #artistsatscale
add more communities #tglist
created community page v1 #artistsatscale
continued curating contact lists #artistsatscale