Similar todos
section comparing different libraries #reactd3workshop 3
port intro to react+d3 from old workhops #reactd3workshop
intro page for
starter repo #reactd3workshop
add SSR section #reactd3workshop
write intro to D3 page #reactd3workshop
read through entire workshop materials #reactd3workshop
make sure all examples work #reactd3workshop
React & D3 workshop day 1
livecode better big project example #reactd3workshop
workshop day 2 #reactd3workshop
refer my client to #reactfordataviz for learning D3 with React
write rough outline for Reactathon talk #reactd3workshop
write new outline for big project #reactd3workshop
add tweens section #reactd3workshop
get working and cobble together react/redux theory content from
update all sample projects for ReactD3v4
fix about half of example projects in React+D3v4
build new big example project for Day 2 #reactd3workshop