Similar todos
article about building growthhacklist
launched #growthhacklist on producthunt…
started to add new categories to growthhacklist
set up discourse forum for growthhacklist
Set up forum for growthhacklist -
Started to work on Growthhacklist 2.0 - The idea is to put it together like a "book" + testing out every idea on #madewithoutcode and #teacherjobs_io and writing about what is working and what is not working
add more information to several growth hacking methods for growthhacklist
added three new growth hacking methods two Growthhacklist
started to add sections (social media, email, seo etc.) to growthhacklist
added blog to growthhacklist 👉
added GrowthHackLIst to
added new sources and methods to growthhacklist
submitted growthhacklist to producthunt
added more seo growth hacking methods to growthhacklist
added video to preview site of growthhacklist
Launch Hackathons section #web3board
start personal hackathon
Starting with some kind of growth hacking for #fullstackjob
added examples to 10 growth hacking methods
added new topic to #growthhacklist