Similar todos
finish getting back to everyone who replied to yesterday’s email
get back to more people who wrote in #blog2 #refactoringbook
reply to most people who replied to yesterday’s email #blog2
turn some of last week’s writing into today’s email #blog2
answer everryone who replied to yesterday’s email
reply to people who replied to last email
reply to everyone who sent email #serverlesshandbook
write clarification on last week's email #blog2
Responded to all open emails from the weekend #saasmanual
reply to everyone who replied to first two emails #seniormindset
reply everyone who replied to my email this morning
outline this week of emails
reply to some emails that I postponed this week
reply to everyone who replied to Deep Work December email
answer a few reader emails #blog2
get back to people who replied to test #blog2 #refactoringbook
go through emails from past week
weekly email to audience
weekly email to audience
weekly email to audience #blog2