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Finish helping a client with their Webflow website + record a video guide w/ recommendations #georgydesign #firststreaks
Intro to Webflow (Webflow 101)
Finish Webflow template #bestow
Provide a Webflow consultation #georgydesign
Whipped up a little Webflow page to practice interactions (desktop only so far) - #thework
experiment with designer #kornwolf
Quick Stack (Webflow 101)
Webflow consulting
optimize webflow bandwith project for client page 1/10 done #freelance
still trying to figure out Webflow
work on Webflow skills with a client project #website
Start Webflow weekend: Consume plenty of content with two goals. 1 - fill all gaps and learn all changes since last time I was using it. 2 - launch blog section for me and my wife on our upcoming project website
Consider Webflow alternatives #aware
Webflow 101 course progress: 48% (finish tomorrow)
Webflow Consulting
have discussion with webflow engineer on reddit about webflows capabilities of showing bandwidth info #freelance
showcase Castup on Webflow #castup
Some JS for test page #oneclicktest
Some JS for test page #oneclicktest