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Make cheatsheet
started ES6 modules #100daysofcode
update Cheatsheet title with Sequelize 5 #codewithhugo
add eslint #tinyfeedback
sale 6 Sequelize Cheatsheet #codewithhugo
#lfo add prettier&eslint
Review some Javascript docs & cheat sheets. #dev
sequelize cheat sheet cta on existing sequelize posts #codewithhugo…
write up and package sequelize cheat sheet #codewithhugo
ES6 modules part 2 #100daysofcode
draft post about ES6 modules using esm #codewithhugo
completed Prettier configuration to play nicely with ESlint #rc
add p5js #wandlimb
set up babel so that the latest ES6 features can be used... imports and exports from node #cannaboard
finish datatypes section of sequelize cheatsheet #codewithhugo