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Work on the home page discover section for client's hotel website #jomresplugins
Work on a gallery layout of a client's hotel website #jomresplugins
Work on hotel listing client front end #jomresplugins
Work on the header of the client's hotel website #jomresplugins
update customers review carousel
update customers review carousel
Work on mobile layout for hotel listings client #jomresplugins
Work on mobile layout for client hotel #jomresplugins
Upgrade hotel website for a client #jomresplugins
Work on header mobile version for client's hotel #jomresplugins
Show user reviews only on the home page #villasmediterranean
Work in the search module for hotel listing client #jomresplugins
Audit a hotel site for a client and send the results and proposals on how to improve direct bookings #jomresplugins
respond to reviews page #c2
fixed reviews widget on homepage
Work on a PayPal surchage feature for a client's hotel #jomresplugins
review client website #fajarsiddiq