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Editing the video about my first months in the Netherlands #youtube
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Edit the video about my first months in the Netherlands #youtube
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Publish a new video on #youtube about 2 years of living in Holland:
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Editing a new video about trip to Liege #youtube
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Editing a new video about trip to Liege #youtube
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Finish editing and publish a new video on #youtube about a road trip to Texel 🇳🇱
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Finish editing and posted a new vlog about collecting my new car in Holland #youtube
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Publish another video on #youtube about the tax system in the Netherlands:
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start editing a new video about trip to Liege #youtube
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Recorded & edited first video for Youtube channel
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editing new video about digital nomad destinations #youtube
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Editing the video #youtube
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Editing a video of one of my projects!
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Continued editing video #personal
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Editing a new video #youtube
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Editing a new video #youtube
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Editing a new video #youtube
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Editing a new video #youtube
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editing new video #youtube
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Editing of a new video #youtube
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