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- write the 2nd version of 3rd article in greendeploy ✅ 2.5 hrs and realize that total 10 i finish 6 #greendeploy
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#maintenance 🏗 - 🍳 daily streak day 05 for 2021-11-24 of weighing and following protein-based diet since 2021-11-19 ✅ - 🏋🏻‍♂️ gym/swim/run streak day 01 for 2021-11-24 since 2021-11-24 ✅ - 📥 PROCESS: inbox of ideas and todos ✅ - 🔀 xfer paper diagrams into dendron notes ✅ * 💾 backup laptop ✅
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#maintenance 🏗 - 🍳 daily streak day 13 for 2021-12-02 of weighing and following protein-based diet since 2021-11-19 ✅ - 📥 PROCESS: inbox of ideas and todos ✅ - follow up first friday of month financeadmin tasks ✅ - digital cleansing ✅ - 💾 backup every tues/fri ✅ - reading "The Price of Tomorrow" by Jeff Booth. Real eye-opening read. Admittedly my understanding of credit-based economics is shallow. Looking forward to learn more. ✅ - 🩸 blood donation ✅
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#greendeploy 💚 - 📝 write down notes to reorg my own thoughts abt using huey ✅ - 📅 submit week 34 ✅
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- analyze and breakdown code-tasks for week 95 update #greendeploy
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#maintenance 🏗 - 🍳 daily streak day 04 for 2021-11-23 of weighing and following protein-based diet since 2021-11-19 ✅ - visit my father. see if the rashes clear up ✅ - 🧪 EXP: with creative rendr for ui sketch ✅ - 📥 PROCESS: idea inbox ✅
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- meetings with vendor and developers ✅ #greendeploy
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- video explainer/progress update as per microconf ✅ #greendeploy
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- follow up with Meet M. abt his progress to integrate cookiecutter ✅ #greendeploy
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- follow up with Meet M. abt his progress to integrate cookiecutter ✅ #greendeploy
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last day of 5th sabbatical - did a mix of going through the email copywriting by chris, eating, relaxing, bugfixing my #copywritingdelivery page
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✏️ I did a bunch of issue/project work for #djangopackages including hosting a week group meeting to discuss new features
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outlined & scripted day 3 (brand narrative), created workbook, wrote & scheduled event broadcast email, uploaded Zoom recordings to YT & distributed in Mighty Networks community #guild
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#greendeploy 💚 - updated on with new milestone and other miscellaneous changes ✅
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- follow up with data entry at 1430 so i can outsource some of the weekly tasks ✅ #greendeploy
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#greendeploy 2. complete week 40 feedback ✅
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- mastermind video update 44/52 ✅ #greendeploy
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#enpvqp 🇵🇭📮 - meeting abt what email limits to remove ✅ - remove unnecessary emails and change tests that tested for their presence ✅ - deploy new code changes ✅ - backup ✅
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- Follow up with Meet abt progress ✅ #greendeploy
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- weekly feedback for week 21 ✅ #greendeploy
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