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Functionality to replace the provisioned server repo with a custom one #shipnix
Get working staging environment for #shipnix up and running, using #shipnix
First steps in moving #shipnix into production
Publish docs on how to migrate from IHP cloud to #shipnix
Run script getting git log to json directly via ssh instead of depending on a locally installed script #shipnix
Publish deploy speedup docs and tweet about it #shipnix
Successfully create a github repo and load code into version control while server is provisioning #shipnix
Get tar to work as expected in production #shipnix
Work on IHP template automated provisioner #shipnix
Work on writing #shipnix into official IHP docs
Work on a node.js dev environment #shipnix
Work with nodejs template #shipnix
Make after-provision script a file on provisioned server instead of running via ship-nix directly #shipnix
Submit pull request to IHP Guide for #shipnix deployment instructions
Deploy updated docs and fix UI so it generates a "Push to deploy" Github action specifically for the server #shipnix
Patch a bunch of minor issues up and work on the migration flow starter so I can publish it tomorrow #shipnix
Create a script to build and adapt files to deploy the site on GH Pages #clanlatam
Introduction/get started part of the docs done #shipnix
Finish first draft of SSH docs for #shipnix