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create rough-but-functioning FTX PnL realizer for simulator accounts that mutates spot USD balances in 'near real-time' (…) #kornwolf
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refactor wallet logic for sim accounts with spot margin #kornwolf
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support basic futures in simulator #kornwolf
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rework account balances to support realtime/estimated balances (example: USD @ FTX) #kornwolf
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make simulator account starter balances configurable (with placeholder variables) #kornwolf
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separate margin accounts for overnight/alts/low risk #nils
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synthesize missing referenced by (boo) #kornwolf
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add subaccount param to ApiKey (only used by FTX, other exchanges work with scoped keys) #kornwolf
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Margin trading #mt
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close simulator positions for delisted markets #kornwolf
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rewrite market module into exchange module that also covers assets & futures #x
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don't tax trades from simulator accounts 🕹 #kornwolf
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apply symbol/marketId compat fixes for latest CCXT #kornwolf
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adjust crypto portfolio #life
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study FTX API #sideshift
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poll exchange for open margin positions to compare size against local & backfill any missed orders, opening a backdated position if necessary #kornwolf
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fund broker account to buy ETFs #life
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draft new reactive account/position trigger pipeline with composable conditions and effects beyond scope of a single market position #kornwolf
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deal with insufficient balance condition when closing a synthetic short #kornwolf
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rewrite PnL calculation to match FTX (…) #kornwolf
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