Similar todos
2. follow up with the tenants on behalf of my parents ✅ #maintenance
- come up with new plan for parents given tenant wants to stop ✅ #maintenance
- update the various fees breakdown for tenants ✅ #maintenance
1. follow up with the meeting at IRAS and settle the new rental relief ✅ #maintenance
- follow up with MOM WP for parents✅
sorted out remaining monthly payments
follow up with HDB ✅
- settle HDB and FDW issues for parents ✅ #maintenance
1. HDB follow up ✅
- set up meetup for my parents and their tenant ✅ #maintenance
- settle all the outstanding finance issues #maintenance
- follow up with QBO on case 1580990768 ✅ #maintenance
- settle the tenant for parents regardin their internet and their SingPower transfer ✅ #maintenance
- settle errands for parents regarding the health tracker and HDB and extra ART kits ✅
- follow up with tenant about the addendum ✅ #maintenance
- monthly review ✅ #maintenance
follow up with singtel and tenant #maintenance
Contact new providers #mapmelon
- follow up with citibank abt unknown charges ✅ #maintenance
- bring father to for biyearly visit of resident for hearing clinic ✅ #maintenance