Similar todos
- add a form to store 3PP payment terms at vendors level ✅ #enpvqp
1. display the draft for ASP SG for vendors ✅ #enpvqp
- add a vendor dropdown dependent on subproject in the conversion page ✅ #enpvqp
4. new ASP line item table for ASP SG ✅ #enpvqp
- deploy and add a feature to check for nonexistent mapping and non valid vendor for prices ✅ #enpvqp
- add id for project dropdown ✅ #enpvqp
🗃Migration for vendor to payment term link for 3PP quotation for #enpvqp
4. changes to ASP excel to vendor > 383 AOB ✅ #enpvqp
- when past draft and is a saved quotation line item show this new user_facing_id_number ✅ #enpvqp
- fix currency error for 3PP quotes at the vendor end ✅ #enpvqp
- the SG based vendor cannot see rejection details for rejected by vendor and cancellation details for cancelled ✅ #enpvqp
- fix the missing PO number column ✅ #enpvqp
- manually add data for missing PO released ✅ #enpvqp
- when draft and is a saved quotation line item show this new user_facing_id_number ✅ #enpvqp
3. Add the additional column ✅ #enpvqp
5. solve the missing PO total for the vendor page #enpvqp ✅
- test with the vendor on convert ✅ #enpvqp
4. solve bug where cannot see activity codes for SG ✅ #enpvqp
5. solve bug where cannot add sites for SG ✅ #enpvqp
- dropdown of possible subproject and vendor for conversion #enpvqp