Similar todos
- force push on request by Edmund ✅ #enpvqp
- reply to Edmund et al abt the possible issue with multiple pushes despite NN issue ✅ #enpvqp
- also log a possible bug about how Edmund unable to force push ✅ #enpvqp
- solve the Edmund issue of unable to save tnm quote ✅ #enpvqp
- investigate alleged double push for 3PP quote ✅ #enpvqp
- discuss with Ellen about the double push and the push and failed issues ✅ #enpvqp
- manual push at behest of customer Edmund ✅ #enpvqp
1. repush the 3PP and do as video loom ✅ #enpvqp
15. Record the first incident from Edmund triggering the 5 step help protocol ✅ #enpvqp
- fix the 1 NN multi WBS multi AC for Edmund ✅ #enpvqp
- fix the bug where double push happening within 1 second issue ✅ #enpvqp
1. close another 3 houses of data (balance: 1) ✅
- follow up on the two pulls still fail nj issue ✅ #enpvqp
1. close another 2 houses of data (balance: 4) ✅ #enpvqp