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livecode playing around with the new react concurrent mode
livecode messing around with nextjs #codewithswiz
livecode Day 6 #reactvizholiday
livecode playing with Remix #codewitgswiz
livecode distributed processing exaple #serverlesshandbook
livecode Day 2 #reactvizholiday
livecode digging around hast/rehype #blog2
livecode Day 10 #reactvizholiday
livecode some mobx-state-tree research #blog2
livecode improving lighthouse scores #serverlesshandbook
livecode some neat React&D3 stuff
livecode Day 1 #reactvizholiday
livecode after a long time
livecode unstated vs. xstate research #learnwhileyoupoop
livecode trying out NextJS #codewithswiz
livecode trying out concurrent mode for fractals #blog2
livecode better big project example #reactd3workshop
livecode messing around with react query and nextjs #serverlessreact
livecode messing around with react query and nextjs #codewithswiz
livecode some fun hacking with babel macros