Similar todos
1. follow up with 1 click submission for the DigitalOcean marketplace ✅ #greendeploy
- implement create droplet on digitalocean ✅ #greendeploy
- fix the setting of default for digitalocean server create such as size, region, and image ✅ #greendeploy
one video call with digitalocean Mauricio on hoe to use packer to prepare droplet image for marketplace #greendeploy
2. follow up with mauricio of digitalocean ✅ #greendeploy
- feasibility study on cloud-init on digitalocean ✅ #greendeploy
submitted first time the 1 click install for django 3.2 to digital ocean #greendeploy
tested the 1click up to the point I can do a curl on Digitalocean #greendeploy
set up machine on digital ocean #scrapebook
#greendeploy 💚
- experiment with circleci so that i can configure a robotframework suitable circleci custom image uploaded to dockerhub
- 1 image, :white_check_mark: #greendeploy
deployed on digitalocean
- upgraded circleci images for greendeploy ✅ #greendeploy
deploy bot to digitalocean server
- tried out bunny CDN for images ✅ #greendeploy
- pioneer week 46 submission ✅
- followup with Docker ♻ #greendeploy
- followup with Docker ♻ #greendeploy