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👨‍💻 building small MERN app
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Build side project with #magetools
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Got back into working on my HN-jobs-auto-applier: Built the UI to allow a user to click a button to connect their gmail account to my app and have it save access / refresh tokens to the backend...fixed misc things that broke for unknown the backend deploying to digital ocean without erroring, not sure why it stopped working...currently trying to figure out why, when I ssh into my server, it seems to show me at an older commit, when my github action seems to be working without errors and having me at the newest commit...figured out that I was running the wrong command to check the current commit, IDK why an older commit was still present in some of the files...FINALLY got prod working where I can sign into gmail, upload my resume, and send an email to myself. FUCK that was so much harder than it should've been...added a netlify.toml redirect so that I can go to and have it load the SPA instead of 404ing...fixed a bug where a refresh token wasn't being saved to the db in prod...
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👨‍💻 continue building with MERN
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