Similar todos
get csv parsing working end-to-end #sod
Run csv parser to feed the database with tons of new products, now in production #dill
import csv file to db whoooo 🎁 #mflg
Improve DB performance
setup csv importer #fine
work on CSV import #sparkbase
Inital work of parsing a giant CSV file #dill
Improve #nichewit CSV importer by automatically scoring the first 50 leads to get a head start.
download csv #tid
analysed CSV file (big data dump) using SQLite and just queries 🤯
improve db query response time #clippulse
added file upload to unzip csvs and batch import data into database very quickly
added in preliminary csv import/export #prototypecards
Finish CSV to database migrations script and do test import locally on food data that will make #dill have almost 2 million products in the database!
rearrange areas db #sod
investigated ways to convert json/csv uploads to sql