Similar todos
new plain-text design - clear, clean, professional 😁 #copywritingdelivery
Finally done incl. all sub-pages of, my email copywriting service for indie makers like you #copywritingdelivery - German translation soon
add *new* copywriting portfolio 2020 to my index page #naii #emailcopywriter
Client work Tuesday - sales-page progress #emailcopywriter
massively shorten my page (EN + DE) #copywritingdelivery
Client work Tuesday #emailcopywriter
client work #emailcopywriter
orga work and un petit client work (tired) #copywritingdelivery
daily email #emailcopywriter
client work: send Sunday email 1/5 #emailcopywriter
Merged my Work With Me page and my About page and my Index page into one single page. The result is online: #copywritingdelivery - German translation tomorrow
10.408 words later, my copywriting portfolio is now assembled - and that’s how I spent my weekend - review tomorrow #emailcopywriter
worked on deliverable 1 for a prospect client (about text plus extras) #copywritingdelivery
write draft of next two emails #emailcopywriter
done some writing -tested copy paste and email sening #wi
design draft for email template
send daily email #emailcopywriter (with survey results)
quick design of email template #ekh
🎨 design email template #thx
🎨 design widget email #thx