Similar todos
Refactoring daily timeline -> zoom to/from the vertical center #timemator
Refactoring daily timeline -> show guidelines on dragging #timemator
Refactoring daily timeline -> update views on context change #timemator
Refactoring daily timeline -> clear selection by clicking the grid #timemator
Refactor timeline view grid #timemator
Improve timeline with resize and move #melies
Fix and refactor Zoom view feature #coaster
Experiment with #morflaxstudio timeline UI + improve the overall experience
Improve timeline #melies
Improve #morflaxstudio timeline styling
Improved Timeline #blg
Timeline scroll and zoom with shortcut #melies
fix scroll into view bug on timeline #prototypr
Fix resize timeline items #melies
Fix scrolling & zoom when change the route #photoroute
Fix On-the-fly filtering of Timeline #vibes
Daily view: update timeline style #timemator
Start #morflaxstudio animation timeline improvements.
scroll animation for timeline #prototypr
implement UI for new timeline events (including merging) #spectate