Similar todos
updated the item page #zimnee
updated the stories preview on the homepage #witsio
updated the new logo #witsio
signin page redesign #witsio
made more changes for #zimnee restaurant
small #jobs website updates
updated the font and color scheme to make it more readable #witsio
added drift messaging on the website #witsio
update the tweets #witsio
updated the new logo alongwith interpage linking for #witschat
added public roadmap for wits…
updated homepage with the booksummaries available #witsio
made the layout more readable #witsio
added contribute link at bottom #witsio
update the picture of makers as well #witsio
fixed the profile images and thier links #witsio
added on homepage of #witsio
added notificaton on #witsio
added contact us link #witsio
update the social cards for #witsio