Load previous page…
#sheet2site update the updates page with 5 more updates
#sheet2site write updates via markdown so I do not need to write it html anymore, so I will be write it more ofter because before I was procrastinating writing it in pure html
#sheet2site fix google drive images links if the user is using markdown syntax
#sheet2site docs. write article how to host images on google drive…
#sheet2site fix lazy pieter on lazy load in embed websites
#sheet2site add default category names for dropdown filters if user didn’t add any
#sheet2site sent email to freetrade about multi filter
#sheet2site add multi filters to a table and make multi filter work 1 per section
#sheet2site remove blinkloader and move to lazy pieter
#sheet2site add freetrade to the showcase
#sheet2site support update login db
#sheet2site support fix slug for real estate client
#sheet2site fix insanely big website
#sheet2site remove loading animation and set initial height to 1000px
#sheet2site write an article how to embed google sheet to a web flow website…
#sheet2site fix auto emails, after the purchase and after the install because they seems was not sending for 19 days. F.
#sheet2site update twitter card
#sheet2site write an article how to add google sheet to weebly website:…
#sheet2site write an article how to add google sheet to squarespace…
#sheet2site make load more button looks nicer