This is a side project I built in 2023. I have spun down Cloud Run instances to 0 to reduce GCP bills for now so you will experience a very cold start if you go to the website. I may start them up again once I redo the onboarding flow and build in predictions (future marqts). lets you vote on the truth.
A marqt is a short true or false statement. Swipe right to "marq it" true, swipe left to "marq it" false.
Add a remarq to explain your marq and vote up or down existing remarqs based on how remarqable or unremarqable they are. You earn marqs for all activity in the system, but marqt makers collect marqs for all activity in their marqt. lets you vote on the truth.
A marqt is a short true or false statement. Swipe right to "marq it" true, swipe left to "marq it" false.
Add a remarq to explain your marq and vote up or down existing remarqs based on how remarqable or unremarqable they are. You earn marqs for all activity in the system, but marqt makers collect marqs for all activity in their marqt.
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