A Go-To-Network platform where web3 projects achieve their Go To Market goals by empowering & aligning incentives with a network of super connectors
deployed an eas frame #covariance
removed internal tool from open sourced frames repo #covariance
fixed a bunch of bugs #covariance
fix lots of bugs #covariance
fix onboarding frame bugs #covariance
update frame images for coowncaster #covariance
refactor frame codebase and fixed some bugs #covariance
ability to retrieve access link to webapp from telegram bot #covariance
add more submission validations to frame #covariance
implement new frame design inside the frame and deployed it #covariance
update and deploy frames to production #covariance
only make additional api call when user is not contributor #covariance
hide application buttons when user is already a contributor #covariance
completed first version of contributor profile creation frame on farcaster #covariance