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Write release script to build, archive, sign, package up in dmg and generate files for delta patches for #blip
greate appcast.xml and delta patches with release script #blip
fix entitlements being lost during code-signing #blip
correctly staple release dmg in script #blip
begin working on automated script for app release (archiving and notarization works, sparkle todo) #blip
configure goaccess to generate (real time) stats #blip
try basic notarization and check in VM if it works (no .DMG yet) #blip
pay apple €99 so I can notarize the app .............. #blip
submit account request to paddle #blip
add google site verification to #blip
add robots.txt #blip
set up ipv6 DNS for website as well #blip
set up webserver ( #blip
Get development team set up for now so building & running for dev works again #blip
try to update apple developer contact data #blip
read up and try to understand what I need to get proper notarization etc. going #blip
set proper bundle identifier now that I have a domain for #blip
set up sparkle for automatich updating #blip
add and begin configuring sparkle framework for app updates #blip
write shell script to (re)deploy latest website (via ansible) so I don't have to remember that command either #blip