6 pages of Quran and 1 page of Tafsir. Fav quotes: "Do not fear them, rather fear Me.", "Seek refuge through patience and prayer." #islam
6 pages of Quran and 1 page of Tafsir. Fav quote: "Every soul sooner or later will taste the death. And I test you with evil and goodness. And to Me you will be brought back." #islam
6 pages of Quran and 1 of Tafsir #islam
3 pages of Lemalar (252-255) #islam
20 pages of Cevsen #islam
5 pages of Quran and 1 of Tafsir #islam. Liked this verse:
“People! We have sent down to you clothing (technology and materials) that covers your nakedness and decorates you. And the spiritual clothing of piety (righteousness, good deeds, determination) is the best (for it "warms" in worldly hardships and in eternity, provides special elegance).”
Jumah with my daughter (her first one ever) #islam