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change default meta description #screenhole
get physical buttcoins #screenhole
prevent mr. hole's message from covering up the voice memo play button #screenhole
turn links into links for text memos #screenhole
don't show tooltips on mobile #screenhole
fix intertial scrolling on mobile #screenhole
fix chomments not scrollable on mobile wtffff #screenhole
split activity layout into columns #screenhole
change activity route to /sup #screenhole
show earned $butt for items in activity inbox #screenhole
tweak buttcoin amount easing #screenhole
activity inbox prototype #screenhole
buttcoin daily stats #screenhole
activity badge #screenhole
rich chomments #screenhole
prevent form from submitting when there is not enough buttcoin #screenhole
Fix grabs being squashed on mobile #screenhole
put buttcoin on the buttchain on #screenhole
state where you have insufficient funds and cannot leave a text memo #screenhole
outline what's left for implementation in the PR #screenhole