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Do client work #freelance
Do client work #freelance
start day with freelance job applications #freelance
start week with upwork proposals #freelance
Do urgent client work #freelance
Finish client work for the day and send out 3 applications on Upwork #freelance
finish client work for the day. Sent out 4 applications for new Upwork projects #freelance
Apply for Upwork projects that seem to have potential #freelance
Drained after a record week #freelance
add duration based pricing for job bundle #freelance
work on podcasting client website #freelance
Fix woocommerce site of client that keeps updating things in prod himself without testing #freelance
Get new upwork clients #freelance
fix weird issue where nginx would repeat post request if checkout timed out causing double purchases and angry customers #freelance
Work late to help client with tough checkout issue #freelance
Send invoices 💲💲💲 #freelance
work on fashion startup website #freelance
Do a lot of minor freelancing tasks I have been postponing. Want to get rid of these so I get headspace for my own projects. #freelance
Send invoices 💲💲💲 #freelance