Good Tendency
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wake up at 6am day 3/60 #goodtendency challenge…
wake up at 6am day 2/60 #goodtendency challenge…
wake up at 6am day 1/60 #goodtendency challenge…
kick off wake-up-at-6-am-for-the-next-60-days challenge… #goodtendency
submitted new #goodtendency version to google play store for open beta
create open graph poster for #goodtendency
spend the whole day trying to get notifications work on android and fail #goodtendency
submit next #goodtendency version for testflight review
polish up alarm notifications #goodtendency
implement dynamic alarms #goodtendency
implement static alarms #goodtendency
refine value proposition on landing page #goodtendency
add feedback modal and integrate with aws ses #goodtendency
finish settings screen #goodtendency
create adaptive icon for android #goodtendency
get some initial feedback in for #goodtendency
signup at #goodtendency
deploy new landing page for #goodtendency
create twitter account for #goodtendency
polished onboarding #goodtendency