The Pixel Challenge

The Pixel Challenge


Build impactful daily habits and transform your life.
Launched February 26, 2019
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Compress critical images to make them lighter and reduce load time, updated default image collection to Travel cuz it's beautiful #pixelchallenge
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Release v0.9.6 with new features for betatester group #pixelchallenge
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Set up Stripe thing with Telegram notifications #pixelchallenge
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Add purchase mockup and notification #pixelchallenge
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Onboarding: Stay accountable modal #pixelchallenge
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User onboarding: add sample pixels and instructions on first run #pixelchallenge
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Implement "reset challenge" logic #pixelchallenge
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Implement rolling callendar logic (challenge starts on today, ends on today+1year) #pixelchallenge
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Submit betatester's preview (v.0.9.5) to chrome web store #pixelchallenge
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Make it open a new tab automatically on extansion install #pixelchallenge
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Find about cookieDomain and checkProtocolTask to make it work on production #pixelchallenge
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Learn about siteSpeedSampleRate and make GA work properly in production #pixelchallenge
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Install GA via ga-react and add a bunch of trackers, also load the .js locally #pixelchallenge
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Set up Chrome Web Store account #pixelchallenge
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Add Lato font to project so any user can see a beautiful interface with proper fonts even if they don't have it installed in their computer #pixelchallenge
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Optimize the shit out of all components so the new tab load time is below 500ms #pixelchallenge
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Add feedback link to settings page #pixelchallenge
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Add feedback button #pixelchallenge
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Sent landing page with new visuals to some potential users, got 5 interested potential users, talked with them and got their first feedback round #pixelchallenge
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Finish main product animation #pixelchallenge
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