Tech Conferences
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🎨 upgraded tailwindcss versions #conf
:hammer: re-worked moderation system #conf
worked on event version control system #conf
🚧 swapped out a third party model history library with one that I'm writing myself. This has been a blocker for way too long so time to nih a solution to get it right. #conf
🐳 fixed a bug in my ci pipeline #conf
working on a new version system using JSON Patch #conf
🤖 fixed a broken dep which killed my docker image builder #conf
more docker deploy work #conf
🚀 finished my gitlab-ci.yml which builds, tests, and pushes a Docker image into a GitLab Container Registry and published it in a gist ->… #conf
🚀 setup github to gitlab sync so that I can automate docker image builds and deploys #conf
📝 more tailwindcss frontend updates #conf
⬆️ Updates TailwindCSS to 1.0.3, recompiled frontend, and pushes #conf
✏ adds series edit frontend form and process #conf
✏ pushed templates and view changes #conf
🐛 found a bug when using urlman + django-lifecycle that I haven't quite wrapped my head around a reasonable fix for #conf
added update_events_website_url cleanup management command, tasks, and admin action #conf
📝 Updated templates to support new url mechanics and updates event titles #conf
switching homepage out to focus in on events vs. other features #conf
added more conferences to our dataset. #conf