Income Rankings
Income Rankings
Find the Best Methods to Make Money Online
Launched November 16, 2018
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Replace brain emoji with graduation cap for better compatibility #incomerankings
Fix an issue with rank calculation #incomerankings
Fix issues with the server and implement method voting impact to update in real time #incomerankings
Finally, successfully deploy the main site on the domain! #incomerankings
Create a 404 page #incomerankings
Implement all the onload updates on login and fix various bugs and inconsistencies #incomerankings
Further prepare the main website to be ready for the server #incomerankings
Add a chat tab on profile modal that links to the telegram group #incomerankings
Implement follow of Income Rankings and Step-by-Step on twitter for login #incomerankings
Research for setting up the main website on the server #incomerankings
Add commas to methods upvoted/downvoted list in profile page for readability #incomerankings
Fix an issue with some modals not opening on custom urls after code overhaul #incomerankings
Implement major code overhaul, cleanup and better database integration for methods data #incomerankings
Implement more descriptive custom urls for methods #incomerankings
Publish the first post on and connect it to its relevant Income Rankings method #incomerankings
Fully finish the submit section and create relevant gmail filters #incomerankings
Minor design improvements and fixes #incomerankings
Implement a featured methods section #incomerankings
Add tooltips to various labels #incomerankings
Finalize the rest of the submit forms' design and functionality #incomerankings