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Manually add missing license that was not in Gumroad export 🤔 #legit
Set correct timezone #legit
Tweet about deploying #legit…
Switch from PixelSnap API to #legit on production
Write proxy from #pixelsnap licensing server to #legit
Move license routes to api group #legit
Remove artisan optimize command from deploy script since it's deprecated #legit
Write code to migrate all old licenses #legit
Deploy #legit to server
License verification endpoint #legit
Add index to products table #legit
Activate license endpoint #legit
Add usage columns to instances table #legit
Gumroad verification background job #legit
Gumroad ping endpoint #legit
Define relationships between License and Instance #legit
Create Instance model #legit
Define relationships between License and Product and Variant #legit
Create License model #legit