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fixed some seo issues with siteguru #growthhacklist
finished backend for edit data page #growthhacklist
fixed profile bug #growthhacklist
wrote quick tweet about current work situation for #growthhacklist…
started to integrate premium feature database access for #growthhacklist
sent out latest #growthhacklist newsletter…
finished schema for database #growthhacklist
started to work on a little premium feature for #growthhacklist - added view and first schema for marketing/growth ideas database
added wobaka as product of the day to #growthhacklist…
deployed new ui #growthhacklist
started to improve #growthhacklist ui
added useful sales tools to #growthhacklist tools page + added Pigeon to it…
added zap to add new users to newsletter segment #growthhacklist
shared latest article on #growthhacklist…
added little welcome pop up to new user #growthhacklist
shared short version article "Launch in public - how to make an event around your launch" on subreddit /Entrepreneur and on Indiehackers #growthhacklist
made little twitter thread of latest article #growthhacklist…
published new marketing method "Launch in public - how to make an event around your launch" #growthhacklist
sent out #growthhacklist newsletters 3 ideas, 2 discussions and 1 maker to learn from
added list with bootstrappers documenting their journey to reach revenue goal #growthhacklist