Find tech and startup jobs in the sports industry.
Launched April 17, 2018
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added zoe, humanapi, bodyport and roundglass to web crawler #sportstechjobs
sent out latest #sportstechjobs newsletter
added two esport companies to #sportstechjobs crawler
built a magic link sign up logic to #sportstechjobs and is finally working! 💪
added magic link sign up for brands #sportstechjobs
reached over 13k unique visitors 💪 #sportstechjobs
made first job post sale 2023 for #sportstechjobs
fixed mobile navbar #sportstechjobs
sent out latest #sportstechjobs newsletter
added cardiosense and numan to job crawler #sportstechjobs
added new mongo db schema #sportstechjobs for coverletters
started to implement new monetization experiment for #sportstechjobs automated cover letter service based on AI…
added routes for SEO #sportstechjobs
fixed label bug and limit labels to 3 for each job #sportstechjobs
fixed sitemap bug #sportstechjobs
added MLB jobs to #sportstechjobs
fixed bug and got sitemap working. Now automatically adding job post links to sitemap #sportstechjobs thanks @marckohlbrugge and @mhenglein for the feedback
added Playstation, Battlefy, Badrobotgames and Heal to #sportstechjobs job crawler
changed email pop up color for #sportstechjobs because conversion rate is only 0,4%
added buy me a coffee button to #sportstechjobs